This IS the Way That A Mommy Does things…

First – you are totally NOT allowed to make fun of the singing.

Second – enjoy (or not, just don’t tell me if you don’t – I have feelings too you know…)

The Way A Mommy Does Things

Wake up, make breakfast and then pack the lunches
Wake kids and find both their tooth and hair brushes.
Check twice to make sure their clothing is clean.
This is the way that a mommy does things.

Find socks and shoes and put lunches in backpacks
Find a permission slip due back last Monday.
Hurry and sign it and then off to school.
This is the way that a mommy does things.

Go home, do laundry then cheerios are swept up.
Emails and phone calls are done without makeup.
The baby starts crying, there's one more screaming.
This is the way that a mommy does things.

Missing Busses.  Dodging traffic.  Arriving ten minutes late.
It's amazing at this rate they learn anything!
I know mom did not  do things this way.

Pick up the kiddos and help them with homework
No baby ooooh put that down, please don't eat that!
Football and tball and dance and swimming -
This is the way that a mommy does things.

Get home take showers and then read a story
Oh by the way mom the bake sale is tomorrow
Please mommy can't I have just one more drink?
This is the way that a mommy does things.

The cookies are finished the muffins are cooling.
Check in on kiddos who are sweetly sleeping.
Kisses on foreheads and tucked tightly in.
This is the way that a mommy does things.

It may be work.  It might be hard.  But that's all okay.
Being a mommy is one of those things
That I would NEVER change!