The new Juicer - and JOTD (Juice of the Day)

I recently found myself a new obsession - I know, I'm pretty late to the party, but, I just found myself the proud new owner of a juicer...and I've turned into a total giddy school girl about it.  The kids are excited too - in fact I have to watch them closely because it's starting to turn into a David Letterman style game of will it juice or will it not...and while most things will, let's just say I'm not up for replacing it right now due to the creativity and inquisitive nature of my offspring.

That all being said, I really am making a strong effort at eating healthier.  (Pay no attention to the half-eaten slice of cheesecake sitting next to me as I type...) and part of this healthier eating plan is to incorporate more fruit and veggies.  BUT since I also have this thing about taking on more than I can handle at any given time, speed and efficiency usually win out and I end up eating a hamburger or a bowl of cereal (depending on my proximity to said hamburger).

So this new juicer is actually pretty amazing.  I don't have to peel or cut anything. A whole apple - no problem.  Orange with the rind. Absolutely (be prepared for a little more of a bitter/sour taste though...).  Whole cucumber? You Better Believe it.  Cleanup?  Not too big of a deal, honestly.  (If it were I'd have returned the whole dang thing one day after using it.)

Anywho...I've been juicing.  A lot.  And I figured since there were others out there who might also like quick, easy, efficient, and tasty ways to eat their required servings of fruits and veggies I'd start posting the Juice of The Day. Probably not daily...because, well...I may also have a commitment problem.

*Full disclosure, if you click the link it will take you to my Amazon affiliate link where you can buy a juice just like mine for your very own. It is one of the ways I do support myself and my habit of shopping on Amazon.  Thank you!*