Sneezing and Trees

I'm looking out in my back yard right now - and it's covered with green and yellow flowers - usually that would make me very happy...unfortunately, I didn't plant these flowers, they were blown in on the wind... and I need to get rid of them ASAP because they make my eyes all itchy and my nose pretty sneezy.

One could argue that children are excellent weed pullers and ridders of all things green and yellow...sadly, mine also suffer from the same seasonal issues I do (dang genetics!) so, it makes it difficult to talk them into it.

Thankfully I do have TriEase on hand at all fact, when the calendar switches to a particular season, we all take it daily, because without it we all turn into a sneezing blobby mess.  Except the husband.  He's apparently immune to green and yellow.

So, here we go, spring in Arizona (which I totally love, by the way) - and TriEase in our house.  If you want a sample, I'll send it out post-haste, just contact me here.  No one should have to be all sneezy and blobby.